How to Find Time to Read During Your Busy Days

Find time to read

Posted by on June 1, 2018

It may or may not be true that the majority of Americans haven’t read a book since leaving full-time education, but most people who don’t read, or don’t read as much as they’d like to, offer the same reason. They don’t have time.  Sure, there are 168 hours every week, but there’s a lot going on. We’re all busy. And reading requires us to take time out, sit still, and focus. It’s no secret that I believe reading is essential for writers, and most other people, so I’ve put together some simple tips to help you fine  time to read, no matter how busy your day is.

How to Find Time to Read During Your Busy Days

Disclosure: Sometimes my work here (and all around the web) contains affiliate links. Find out what that means here.

Read in the Mornings

If you already have a few morning routines that allow you to start the day feeling energized and enthusiastic, then add a new reading habit to the mix. You don’t even have to get out of bed, making it perfect for us slow-and-grumpy risers, and you don’t have to read for a long time. You can start by reading one short chapter in the morning.

Sneak a Few Pages before Bed

If you’re more of a night owl, you might find it easier to read before bed. You won’t have the pressures and interruptions that most people experience during the day. Reading also helps you unwind so you might find that indulging in a few pages before bed also improves your sleep quality. Experts say we should all switch off our screens an hour before we intent to sleep, so read real books just before bed. No reading on your phone or other devices.

Keep a Book with You

You can read on devices during the day. Ebooks mean it’s easier than ever to carry a huge library with you wherever you go., on your device of choice. I love my Kindle, as the glare-free screen is so easy on my eyes, but I sync my Kindle books to all my devices. This means I can easily read on my phone, in line at the grocery store, waiting to pick my kids up, or pretty much anywhere else.

Choose Fascinating Books

Pick books you actually want to read, ones that excite and inspire you. Not only will you be more engrossed when you do read, you’ll also be on the lookout for pockets of time in your day when you can crack open your book. Check out my reading list of life-changing books for some inspiration.

Listen To Your Books

Audio books are a great way to ‘read’ while you’re driving, working out, mowing the lawn, walking the dog or doing other chores and errands. Audible are offering two free audio books to new members right now.

Put Down the Book

You don’t have to finish every book you start. Maybe you find the author’s word choice is irritating or their writing style boring. Whatever the reason, you don’t have to complete a book just because you started it.

Some people find it helpful to have a minimum pages rule. For example, you may decide that if a book isn’t interesting to you, you can release it after thirty pages. If you you’re not enjoying a particular book, don’t give up the reading habit. Move on to one you will enjoy

Set a Daily Goal

One of the best ways to create and stick-to a reading habit is to set a daily goal. This could be a certain number of pages or chapters read. If you don’t read a lot currently, start with a small goal like two pages a day.

Each week, you can challenge yourself to read an extra page. Keep doing this until you’re at a number that you find a number that’s fun to aim for and challenging to you.

Consider a Mentor Box Subscription

This subscription service selects amazing books, on the topics of business, career, wealth, networking, leadership, influence, and more. Then supplies you with speed-reading cheat sheets, audio summaries, video lectures, and college-style classes by the authors summarizing their own books for you. Oh and a 30-day money-back guarantee if you don’t love their service. Check them out here.

Reading regularly is like having a gym membership. You’re not going to experience the amazing benefits unless you carve time out of your schedule and make it a priority.


At the heart of all my writing is the desire to help people live better, happier, more creative, productive and abundant lives. So I’d love to send you my free checklist: 20 Things To Do Every Week To Infinitely Improve Your Life. Get your copy here.

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  1. Leave a Reply

    J.S. Pailly
    August 23, 2018

    For me, I sometimes have a tough time finding time to read for pleasure because I have so much research reading to do. But I’m starting to get better about job of balancing my fun and not-so-fun reading. A few minutes in the morning actually does do a lot of good.

    • Leave a Reply

      August 24, 2018

      Can definitely relate to that issue. These days a lot of my research is in areas I’m fascinated by, so at least it’s reading for work and pleasure!

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