The Ten Income Streams That Contribute To My ‘Freelance Writing’ Business

Jul/28 By

The key to success in the gig economy is still under dispute. Some people think it’s specialisation, which is basically the art of doing one thing exceptionally well. If you’re

Ten Tips to Help You Run Your Freelance Writing Business More Efficiently

May/28 By

As a freelancer, the more time you have to write, the more money you make, right? But when you freelance, you’re effectively running your own business, and that comes with

How to Break into a Brand New Niche as a Freelance Writer

Apr/30 By

You’ve probably heard how important it is to specialize as a freelance writer. It’s true. Developing a specialty in a narrow niche is a great way to build authority and

How to be a more productive writer

How To Be a More Productive Writer

Nov/6 By

Many of us are striving to be as productive as we can possibly be, but it’s not easy. As a freelance writer who also writes ebooks, and runs a couple

How Freelance Writers Can Easily Get an Editor’s Attention

How Freelance Writers Can Easily Get an Editor’s Attention

Jun/29 By

Top editors get a lot of pitches from freelancers, so if you’re a new or less experienced writer, it can be hard to get an editor’s attention. You need to

write travel articles

Seven Ways To Create Compelling Travel Articles

Jun/15 By

There’s a lot more to travel writing than creating a laundry list of what happened on your holiday and why it was fun. You’re unlikely to get an editor’s attention with

How to Find Well-Paid Freelance Writing Opportunities

May/11 By

Want to make more money as a freelance writer? There are two main ways to do that. Write more, which means over time the quality of your writing is likely to

What You (Really) Need to Get Started As a Paid Freelance Writer

May/10 By

I’ve received so many questions on how to get started as a freelance writer that I wrote a whole book on it, How To Start Your Freelance Career From Scratch: No

mistakes new freelance writers make

6 Common Mistakes New Freelance Writers Make

May/9 By

Everyone makes mistakes, especially when they’re inexperienced. Recognising a few of the common mistakes new freelance writers make will help you minimise (or avoid) them. But it’s also important to

writing on spec

Should Freelance Writers Ever Write On Spec?

Apr/24 By

If you’ve ever attended a journalism or freelance writing class, you’ll have been warned about the dangers of writing an entire article on spec. But the world is changing, and

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